Don't Look Back! Playlist Here is a hardcore playlist that should invigorate you during your workout.
Down and Dirty Playlist Here is a playlist, with an upbeat collection of songs, to keep your feet moving during your workout.
Alternative Playlist Here are a few songs that will take you back to the days of anticipating Y2K, cloning sheep and, of course, "Seinfeld."
Number of the Beast Playlist This classic rock playlist hopefully will get you rockin' during your workout.
Rock Playlist This playlist provides a great mix of music to help you get your sweat on, whether you're in a gym, at home or in the great...
Get Ya Hustle On This hip-hop playlist is short and sweet, but it likely will push the energy of your workout up another notch.
The Best Workout Strategy for Beginners Consistency means showing up for yourself every day, even just for a quick, 20-minute workout.
The Most Accurate Ways to Assess Body Fat and Lean Muscle Mass Many enjoy a fitness "bulking phase" in the winter season.
No One Is 100% Motivated to Work Out Every Day. Here’s How We Still Do It People who go to the gym are not 100% motivated to train daily, but know they will feel better even after a “bad workout.”
How to Meet Your Strength and Conditioning Goals in One Fitness Workout We all need to be strong and have cardio conditioning, and there are many ways to develop both.
How to Measure Your Level of Everyday Fitness Essential health and fitness standards depend on what you need to be capable of doing on a daily basis, but are you prepared...