How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
Stew Smith Article Guide If you are looking for answers to questions about military fitness, it is probably in the article archive for's...
Ask Stew: How to Become a SEAL in Seven Steps Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, offers seven tips that could provide a pathway for teens to make it to...
How to Join Naval Special Operations Do you think you have what it takes to become a member of Naval Special Warfare or Special Operations?
Here's How You Should Train for Boot Camp What do I need to do to prepare for boot camp? This article will be a one-stop shop for people to find links on boot-camp...
What's Included on a Service Academy or ROTC Fitness Test Each branch of military service has similar requirements in its fitness testing, but there are some differences.
What to Know About Applying to Be an Air Force Spec Ops Officer Here is an email from an Air Force cadet seeking information about preparation to be a special tactics officer.
Why This New Approach to Remedial PT Actually Works The combination of a good coach and willing participants is critical to the mission success of remedial PT programs.
Ask Stew: 10 Questions About SEALs and Special Ops A high school junior asks some very commonly asked questions that should provide many future SEALs and Spec Ops members with...
Woman or Man, Here's the Common Denominator to Passing a Pull-up Test Women and men can do pull-ups. Women and men can fail to do pull-ups. But the common denominator to passing a pull-up test is...
Everyone Has a Fitness Weakness. Here's How to Handle Yours If we genuinely want to be well-rounded, physically active and healthy, it's important to assess the components of fitness...
This Military Fitness Workout Can Help Improve Your Special Operations Training Here is a workout we use on an upper-body day that helps prepare for higher-rep calisthenics (grinder PT) and running.
How to Cut a Minute Off Your Running Pace Before Timed Military Fitness Tests Here is a way to help you with timed events and other types of running you will see in your military training journey.
5 Fitness Tips for Optimal Performance and Longevity in the Military and Beyond As physical activity becomes an integral part of your life, you should adopt these habits in your post-military life as best...
Core, Cardio and Legs: How This Multifaceted Military Fitness Workout Will Improve Your Rucking Ability If you are looking for a routine that can help you with the demands of rucking or other load-bearing activities, consider...