Stew Smith Article Guide If you are looking for answers to questions about military fitness, it is probably in the article archive for's...
How to Relieve Pain from Overuse Injuries Tendinitis can flare up quickly if you are running several times a week for several miles.
What You Should Know About Five Common Fitness Injuries Nagging injuries and small aches or pains can occur at any time. Here's some suggestions about how to prevent them or recover...
Ask Stew: How to Keep Shin Splints from Sabotaging Your Workouts For people starting to run or run again after a long period of time, shin splints is often one of the first issues you may...
Ask Stew: Recovery and Building Back a Fitness Program Need advice on how to get "back on the fitness wagon" after an injury? Stew Smith, Navy SEAL veteran and a fitness expert...
Ask Stew: Continue Training Even with Swimming Injury fitness guru Stew Smith fields a question from a retired Navy master chief on how to continue a swim workout...
5 Ways to Prevent Workout Injuries Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, details five ways to prevent workout-related...
Ask Stew: Plantar Fasciitis — How to Keep Running Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, details how to continue training if you think you...
Gear to Help Your Post-Workout Recovery Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, offers recommendations on gear to help you...
7 Ways You're Exercising Wrong and Causing Injury Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, explains how to prevent injuries when you work...
6 Honest Questions to Ask Yourself When You're Not Seeing Fitness Results Not seeing results in your efforts toward any health and fitness goal is frustrating, especially if you have been diligently...
The Best Workout to Prepare for Advanced Military Training Programs Combining cardio workouts such as running, rucking and swimming with other load-bearing activities is necessary for those...
The Age Ranges for Joining US Military Special Operations Programs You have many options that may or may not require an age waiver. It's time to get to work on that dream job.
Running and Lifting Don't Just Make You Stronger. They Make You Smarter – and More Useful Studies show adding cardiovascular and strength training to daily activities has dozens of benefits, on top of preventing us...
5 Cardio Workouts to Build Leg Endurance for Military Fitness Tests Consider the following workouts if you are focused on building leg muscle stamina while improving your cardio scores.