How to Ramp Up Your Training for Spec Ops I have been using your programs for over a year. Will my body be ready if I continue the plan, or should I be easing off...
How You Should Prepare Your Body for Special Operations First of all, anyone seeking this type of rigorous activity, especially near 40 years old, should be in excellent condition...
Here's a Breakdown of the Combat Swim Stroke The combat swim stroke is a relaxing and super efficient stroke that is an updated version of the traditional sidestroke.
Why Being Average Won't Cut It in Special Ops I've found that there is a big difference in going through life merely surviving and trying to compete at everything you do.
Four Common Denominators to Help You Graduate to Spec Ops Because of proper physical training, your body has a better foundation to remain fit throughout training and not become...
Explaining Marine RECON and MARSOC There are two types of RECON Marines: "Battalion" & "Force" RECON. The training paths for Marines in both RECON units are...
How to Achieve a Good Score on the Army Airborne PFT If you are preparing to become a member of a special operations group, you must graduate from the Army Basic Airborne Course...
What You Should Know About the New Special Forces/Special Operations Fitness Test There is a new Special Forces/Special Operations fitness test making its way around the team areas and creating a fun and...
How to Swim the Combat Swimmer Stroke When people first try the combat swimmer stroke, they often can look silly. Even swimmers have issues with this stroke.
Don't Get Discouraged by Failing at Workouts. Get Motivated. Motivation through times of growth is critical. It is no one’s job but yours to motivate yourself to train and put in the...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...
The 2 Voices in Your Head: 4 Tips for Controlling Them with a Positive Mindset We all have that inner voice designed to help us stay alive, avoid discomfort and survive as creatures on Earth.
The Importance of Including Flexibility and Mobility Training in Your Fitness Plan If you need to work on flexibility in your muscles and mobility of your joints, these life-changing workouts can help.
The Best Swim Strokes Worth Learning for Military Fitness Tests Many non-swimming athletes struggle to pass military swimming tests, but after practicing techniques, pool skills and...