What to Do When Life or Age Interferes with a Good Workout No matter what your age, life has a way of getting in the way of the time you budget for your daily workout routine.
Is There a Test to Predict Success in Military Special Ops? We're constantly creating a foolproof selection program, as well as finding the right requirements to test special-ops...
Here Are Some More Advanced Group PT Ideas A military member in charge of his command’s group PT program asks for more advanced workouts for the hardcore group at his...
Tactical Fitness: The Best Way to Run a 300-Meter Sprint After the PFT An FBI candidate needs to ace a 300 meter sprint after taking a fitness test similar to the PFT.
These Three Workouts Target Your Specific Weakness Whether you are overweight, a running athlete or a strength athlete, everyone has a weakness that can be developed.
Ask Stew: How to Train Properly for Tactical Professions Where some special-ops candidates fail is that they don't drop the heavy weights and switch to higher-rep calisthenics to...
Ask Stew: Which Military Branch Is Right for Me? It's a question many ask themselves in high school and college: Which branch should I serve?
Four Common Denominators to Help You Graduate to Spec Ops Because of proper physical training, your body has a better foundation to remain fit throughout training and not become...
Ask Stew: Do Physical Fitness Tests Really Matter? Here is an email from a distinguished military and law enforcement officer concerning physical fitness testing in military...
Ask Stew: What Is a Fair Way to Judge a Fitness Test? Military and law enforcement personnel often ask about how fair fitness tests are and whether they accurately measure someone...
5 Rules for Adding Workouts to Your Military Unit's Daily PT Sessions Adding workouts for your group at your military unit's morning PT sessions each week is one of the more difficult things to...
How the Tactical Athlete Benefits from Cardio Exercises After Leg Workouts For most athletes, leg days and cardio challenge the body and mind, but for tactical athletes, topping off leg days with...
How to Add Stretching and Breathing Exercises into Your Daily Fitness Training Since breathing is the first and last thing we do on this Earth, it makes sense to be good at it for all our breaths in...
5 Important Questions 50- to 60-Year-Olds Should Ask to Start Building for Longevity As people transition into their 50s, 60s and beyond, the importance of health and wellness becomes increasingly evident.
How to Add Old-School Speed and Agility Drills to Your Military Fitness Training The military's need for speed and agility has proven helpful for various tasks, especially among ground fighters.