Ask Stew: How to Become a SEAL in Seven Steps Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, offers seven tips that could provide a pathway for teens to make it to...
Ask Stew: 10 Questions About SEALs and Special Ops A high school junior asks some very commonly asked questions that should provide many future SEALs and Spec Ops members with...
How to Deal with Failure: Reframe and Move Forward Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, Stew Smith, provides advice for overcoming failure and...
Face of Defense: Bodybuilding Helps Airman to Maintain Focus Air Force Senior Airman Niketa Wilson discovers resiliency in the face of adversity through bodybuilding.
What You Can Do to Achieve Muscle Definition Without Overdoing It The workouts are arranged so you burn your blood sugar first (glycogen) during the first 25-30 minutes of lifting...
March Madness Monster Mash Makes Fitness a Friendly Competition The first step in the March Madness Monster Mash is to dial in your favorite basketball game and pick a team.
Don't Get Discouraged by Failing at Workouts. Get Motivated. Motivation through times of growth is critical. It is no one’s job but yours to motivate yourself to train and put in the...
6 Ways to Train to Compete at Any Age Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness guru, Stew Smith, gives six ways to stay competitive, no matter what...
Self-Motivation — The Wanna-Be and Gonna-Be Most people who email me are pretty motivated but need guidance on how to get to a new level of fitness and health.
How to Meet Your Strength and Conditioning Goals in One Fitness Workout We all need to be strong and have cardio conditioning, and there are many ways to develop both.
How to Measure Your Level of Everyday Fitness Essential health and fitness standards depend on what you need to be capable of doing on a daily basis, but are you prepared...
Science Says It's Not Too Late to Start Your Fitness Journey Now It is never too late to start, whether you took a few decades off from exercising after your early 20s or are entirely new to...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...