What You Should Know About the New Special Forces/Special Operations Fitness Test There is a new Special Forces/Special Operations fitness test making its way around the team areas and creating a fun and...
Try Out These Killer Combo of Pyramids and Five-Minute Sets Finding a workout that pushes the mind and body but allows for rest when needed requires a fine line between pushing your...
5 Tips to Help You Gain Weight for Ranger School If you have the weight to lose, you will lose it at Ranger School. The bad news, if you are lean, you will lose muscle.
MREs and Ranger School: The Lifeblood of the Student Ranger School is a classic story of expending too many calories per day and not consuming enough.
How to Swim the Combat Swimmer Stroke When people first try the combat swimmer stroke, they often can look silly. Even swimmers have issues with this stroke.
Don't Get Discouraged by Failing at Workouts. Get Motivated. Motivation through times of growth is critical. It is no one’s job but yours to motivate yourself to train and put in the...
Stew Smith's Fitness Training Pipeline In the military, training pipelines refer to a student's training cycle as they attend school after school to become...
Ask Stew: Unprepared but Athletic Some rush headfirst into challenging programs without much thought as to what they really are getting into, while others...
Ask Stew: Conditioning for Special Forces If you have previous injuries, military medical professionals will have to review your status during the recruiting phase.
How to Prepare for Army Green Beret Training To make it in the Special Forces, you need intelligence, an outstanding record of previous military service and very high...
The Best Exercises to Pair with Deadlifts for Military Fitness Training Exercises such as deadlifts and squats are foundational to load-bearing strength and transfer well into military activities...
Changes Are Coming to Army Ranger Fitness Tests. Here’s How to Prepare for Them The evolution of testing and training has affected the Ranger School and Ranger Assessment and Selection Program, with a new...
6 Honest Questions to Ask Yourself When You're Not Seeing Fitness Results Not seeing results in your efforts toward any health and fitness goal is frustrating, especially if you have been diligently...
The Best Workout to Prepare for Advanced Military Training Programs Combining cardio workouts such as running, rucking and swimming with other load-bearing activities is necessary for those...
The Age Ranges for Joining US Military Special Operations Programs You have many options that may or may not require an age waiver. It's time to get to work on that dream job.