American GIs Are Forced to Protect Wounded German Prisoners in New Film 'Reveille'

(Buffalo 8)

Between November 1943 and January 1944, American and Allied troops fought to push the Germans out of Italy. Standing in their way was the Winter Line, a series of fortifications in three lines. A total of 98,000 Allied troops would be wounded or killed breaking through the Axis defenses. German and other Axis troops would take 60,000 of their own casualties in the fighting.

The Winter Line is the setting for first-time director Michael Akkerman's new film, "Reveille." After a skirmish in the Apennine Mountains wounds men on both sides, American and German soldiers seek refuge in a nearby cave. When artillery shells begin to rain on their position, the U.S. troops abide by the laws of war and defend their enemy POWs.

As their time together in the cave goes on, the Americans begin to see their enemy as human and struggle with moral questions, where their allegiance and duty can't guide them. They are soon faced with questions that have no clearly defined right or wrong answers, as World War II continues.

The filmmakers behind "Reveille" say they set out to make a different kind of war movie.

"Movies about war generally follow a few lead characters who step up to serve their country and fight the enemy in the name of good," says the film's website. "The characters are able to overcome obstacles while keeping their morals intact. The main characters ultimately find glory while leaving the audience with the feeling that, even though they endured tough circumstances, in some small way, the experience was meaningful.

"But those who have been to war know this is an inaccurate way to show what happens. It misses the depth of the human experience in combat."

Though "Reveille" is not necessarily based on a true story, Akkerman drew inspiration for the script's discussion of the human cost of war from archival documents and interviews with the families of those who served in the war. The movie tries to paint not only an accurate depiction of World War II combat, but also show some of the unimaginable choices soldiers might have faced during the war.

"Reveille" has won a slew of awards, including Best Feature Film at the Paris Film Awards and Milan Film Awards as well as Best War Film at the Brussels Capital Film Festival. It also won awards for cinematography, sound design and acting. Akkerman won awards and accolades for his direction.

The movie stars Kevin Sinic, Bernd Wittneben, Yony Marian, Jared Becker, Joe Bongiovanni (an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan), Jake Powers and Maxwell David Marcus. To learn more about the film or find out where to watch, visit the "Reveille" website.

It will be available for streaming on demand on Aug. 4, 2023.

-- Blake Stilwell can be reached at He can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, or on LinkedIn.

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