The National Archives is looking for help identifying people in several photos taken during John F. Kennedy’s presidency. They’ve enlisted the help of Flickr and posted the photos there with basic information about when they were taken and what was happening in the picture. We pulled out some of the military photos thinking someone might recognize the faces and provide a name. If you know who these folks might be, follow the links under each picture and post a comment on the photo.

Anyone recognize the gentleman at the door? This photo was taken June 7, 1961 and shows the Preident and Under Secretary of the Navy Paul B. "Red" Fay as they were leaving the South Lawn of the White House for the Naval Acdemy Graduation, but the Marine in the photo is unidentifed. If you have an idea, go to the National Archives and post a comment on the photo.

In this photo, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy greets guests before a reception for the wives of American Society of Newspaper Editors members in the Blue Room. The gentleman beside her in uniform is unidentified but we assume was asigned to the First Lady’s staff. Follow this link to comment if you know who he might be.

In this photograph stands none other than Admiral Hyman Rickover, father of the modern nuclear submarine. But the two female service members and the male officer in the background are unknown. Do you recognize them? If so, please post a comment on the photo in this link. We are sure their families may want a photo showing their loved one with Admiral Rickover!

This photo features four unidentifed White House Social Aides standing in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House in 1962. There are a few comments on the National Archive page about who they might be, but more information is needed. Looks like regardless of what era you live in, when group photos are taken, there is always one guy with his eyes closed, am I right?

This photo shows President John F. Kennedy with representatives of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). We know that the two officers to the left are Captain Alice V. Peters and Major Josephine L. Redenius. The officer to the right of President Kennedy is thought to be Lt. Colonel Helen C Strayhorn, but that is not confirmed. Any thoughts?

You don’t get salad like the Flag Officer on the right without people knowing your name. This photograph was taken in 1962 during a military reception at the White House. We can’t tell from the photo how many stars he has, but it’s at least two and looks like three. The original picture is here if you think you might know who he is.

We’re dying to know what was said as this photo was snapped during a reception at the White House in 1962. The couple to the left is White House Communications Agency (WHCA) officer, Captain Jack Rubley, and his wife, Bernice Rubley. They were in the State Dining Room with this unidentified couple to the right on May 15, 1962. If you know who they are will you post a comment at the National Archives and more importantly do you know what they were talking about?