It’s been only seven days since our last meme call, and…where do we even begin?
Army beats Navy. Trans troops get the green light. We have a new NDAA for 2018 — no one cares about any of that. The real Star Wars Day was Friday.
Celebrate with memes. These memes.
1. He can’t name drop PJs and JTACs like the rest of the Air Force does when Marines make fun.
Let’s be honest, he looks Air Force.
2. But suffering leads to a lobbying job. (via Coast Guard Memes)
This is how icebreakers get made.
3. “Look at how shiny those floors are.”
Also, how do you pee in that armor?
4. I didn’t know Meth came from fabric softener.
Ewoks should use Snuggle on their fur instead of drinking it.
5. New Yorkers aren’t like the rest of us.
Terrorism fail.
6. Basic training is the hydroelectric dam.
Who needs fusion when you have every day life?
7. “Things you’ll never actually say to an E-7” for $100.
There’s a reason dude got choked out.
8. It’s not the worst grouping. (via Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said)
But you’d still be dead. Or unqualified.
9. No passes in the Army-Navy Game, just like in real life. (via Decelerate Your Life)
To be fair it’s usually the Coast Guard chasing little white lines.
10. I was more of a Han Solo fan until this.
Majestic reveal.
11. Your girl knows.
You know he has one.
12. It doesn’t show the NCO school on Dagobah.
Life is pain.
13. Who’s in the Christmas spirit?
You spelled “slay” wrong.

Blake Stilwell is a traveler, writer, and adventurer with degrees in design, television & film, and international relations. He is a veteran US Air Force Combat Photojournalist who has worked for ABC News, NBC, and HBO. Blake is based in Hollywood, but often found elsewhere.
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