How to Be a Smart Consumer When Investigating Online Health-Care Education Programs When you're planning to pursue a distance education program, you need to ask yourself whether you have the discipline to...
The Right Nursing Venue for You Just as patients evaluate different settings for their medical treatment, nurses should, too, to find the one that best fits...
Tracking Down a Career in Law Enforcement While a military career is not forever, serving fellow citizens can be.
Federal Salaries: How to Talk Your Way Up the Scale It is possible to negotiate a higher federal salary, provided you have some basic information about government pay scales.
Federal Resumes: The One Thing You Should Do In an ever-shifting government job landscape, you must be prepared to apply to whatever's available, and that means keeping...
Latinos: Your Government Needs You True or false? The federal workforce is more diverse than that of the private sector.
Federal KSA Writing Guide KSAs are a critical part of the federal job application process, but most federal job applicants are often confused about...
Should Veterans Still Apply for Federal Employment? Federal workers -- veteran and non-veteran alike -- are scrambling with the recent hiring freeze and other changes from the...
National Security, Veterans at Risk in Trump Effort to Reshape Federal Workforce, Experts Warn National security, veterans care and veterans employment could all be harmed by the Trump administration's move to gut the...
Government Jobs: Cracking the GS Code The coding systems used to classify federal jobs vary by agency, but the most common system is the General Schedule (GS).
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Drops Recruiting Efforts at Prestigious Black Engineering Awards Event Until this week, Army Recruiting Command had a public partnership with the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, an...
In One of the Marines' Most Iconic Jobs, a Stunning Pattern of Suicide Marine Corps drill instructors are a national symbol of discipline. But for some, their imposing persona belies a dark reality.
Biography of Civil War Veteran Banned as Military Schools Cull Books and Lessons Under Trump Orders A review of content taught at the Department of Defense Education Activity schools has resulted in restrictions of lessons on...
Airman Promotion Test to Tech Sergeant Delayed as Air Force Combs Documents for Subjects Banned by Trump The testing cycle, which was scheduled to begin Saturday and go through April 15, will be pushed back to March 3 and will...