Silver Star Awarded to Army Ranger Who Came to Aid of Fellow Troops During Battle of Mogadishu More than three decades after his actions during the infamous Battle of Mogadishu, retired Army Maj. Larry Moores has been...
Marine Who Risked His Life in Korean War Awarded Silver Star on His 89th Birthday The award was the result of a yearslong push to have Cpl. Salvatore Naimo's heroism during the Korean War recognized.
Green Beret Slain Fighting Attacker in Jordan Receives Posthumous Silver Star Two Green Beret generals traveled to Houston to honor Moriarty's courage by presenting his family with the Silver Star.
This Retired Army General May Be Biden's Pick for Defense Secretary Retired Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III may become the first Black secretary of defense.
Air Force Pararescueman Receives Silver Star for Saving Lives of Teammates in Afghanistan Staff Sgt. Nicholas Brunetto was awarded the the third-highest military combat decoration last week.
Special Tactics Airman Who Fought Off Taliban Despite Concussion Will Get Silver Star For his actions on May 25, 2013, in Afghanistan's eastern Ghazni province, John Grimesey will receive the Silver Star.
He Was the Sole JTAC Supporting a Green Beret Team. Then Machine-Gun Fire Rained Down Air Force Tech Sgt. Cody Smith doesn't believe he is "remarkable" or "special" in any way.
Airman of the Year Earns Silver Star for Heroism in Afghan Firefight One firefight went on for nearly 10 hours.
Air Force Special Tactics Chief Awarded Silver Star for Raining Hell on the Enemy in Afghanistan Because of the danger-close airstrike Grove expertly coordinated, the team was able to recover a fallen teammate.
Special Forces Team Mechanic Killed in Niger Awarded Silver Star Sgt. La David Johnson is credited with displaying gallantry in action and killing several enemy fighters.
Troop Pardons Set to Complicate Military's Muddled Response to Jan. 6 As Trump prepares to take office Monday, he has vowed to move quickly on a key campaign promise to pardon many, if not all...
Service Members Are No Longer Banned from Displaying the American Flag Horizontally at Major Events It might come as a surprise, but U.S. service members weren't technically allowed to unfurl giant U.S. flags at major events...
In Her Final Days in Office, Army Secretary Formally Establishes Service's Command Review Program The service's Command Assessment Program was established to remove bias from the selection process for command billets.
Matthew Livelsberger's Widow Breaks Silence, Refutes 'Misinformation About My Family' The widow of Matthew Livelsberger — the Colorado Springs Green Beret who died by suicide in a rented Tesla Cybertruck seconds...
The Battle over Veterans’ Health Care: How the Republican Majority Hopes to Reshape the VA With the new Congress sworn in and President-elect Trump poised for his second inauguration, Republicans have queued up a...