80 Years After D-Day, the Family of a Black World War II Combat Medic Receives His Medal for Heroism A Black combat medic who treated 200 troops during the harrowing invasion of Normandy during World War II is being honored...
'No Hesitation': Vietnam's Lifesaving 'Dustoff' Medevac Crews to Get Congressional Gold Medal To honor those who flew more than 496,000 Army medevac missions from May 1962 through March 1973, the House last week passed...
Military Medical Commands Developing Plans to Put Freeze-Dried Plasma in Hands of Medics, Corpsmen Carried by special operations troops for more than 10 years, freeze-dried plasma is making its way to the services' medical...
Making the Transition from Special Ops Medic to a Medical Career Your time in the military can be a great opportunity to gain experience for a future career.
Newly Approved Rapid Blood Test for Traumatic Brain Injury Could Speed Up Treatment for Troops The diagnostic test was developed by Abbott Laboratories and an arm of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command...
Major to Be First Air National Guard Flight Nurse Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross Maj. Katie Lunning and her team rescued and cared for at least 20 patients in the aftermath of the attack on Abbey Gate at...
Training Oversights Could Leave Military Medics Unprepared for Combat, Report Finds The U.S. armed forces have 73,000 medical personnel who need to be ready to provide care in combat theaters at any time.
It's Raining Blood: Air Force Tests New Way to Resupply Battlefield Medics The Air Force, in April, practiced parachuting 350-milliliter bags of blood secured in a cooler out of a C-145A Skytruck.
Today's Military Doctors Are Still Learning Lessons from the Battle of Antietam "During their first year of medical school, USU students are taken on a field trip to the Antietam National Battlefield."
As Army Calls on Medics to Return to Service, Congress Considers New Skills Reserve The initiative now lies with Congress to move on the report.
Troop Pay Safe After Congress Approves Extension of Government Funding Troop pay is no longer in jeopardy after Congress approved legislation to keep the government funded through mid-March and...
They Fought in Iraq’s Bloodiest Battle. Will Their Kids Be the Next Generation of Marines? No matter the profession, parents and children in both civilian and military families must navigate delicate decisions about...
14.5% Junior Enlisted Pay Raise, Restriction on Care for Transgender Military Kids Headed to Biden's Desk The 4.5% raise will be added to all service members' paychecks at the beginning of January, while the remaining 10% extra for...
Army Set to Debut Master Combat Badges in Spring, Memo Says The Army is set to begin awarding Master Combat Badges, which will combine expert and traditional combat badges, next spring...
Police Say Marine Charged with Escort's Murder Googled Whether It's Possible to Scream While Being Strangled In what a local official called a "chilling" case, an active-duty Marine stationed in Florida was arrested and charged with...