Catch the Employment Wave: The Veterans Guide to the Recession Job Hunt A looming recession might threaten your current job hunt or transition. By adjusting your strategy for each part of the job...
E-Training for Auto Techs For auto techs, learning outside the classroom used to mean hours toiling over dry technical manuals. But continuing your...
Police Specialties: The Next Level of Law Enforcement There are many careers within law enforcement to consider, including a number of specialized disciplines that allow these...
Nursing Interview Questions If you're a trained nursing professional, you can afford to be a discriminating job seeker, thanks to the nursing shortage...
Refresher Programs Help Nurses Return to Work Many nurses are finding the education and support they need to reenter nursing by enrolling in a refresher program.
Grants Help Veterans Become Commercial Drivers A series of grants and expanded waivers has made it easier than ever for veterans to obtain commercial driver's licenses.
Get Your CDL Without Going to Truck Driving School If you drove trucks in the military, there's a good chance you can skip driving school and slide into the commercial driver's...
What Your Dog Wants You to Know: 5 Signs You Need to Hire a Career Coach A career coach is an essential job hunting tool in 2025. Not only do they work on the problems of the job hunt every day with...
9 Important Do's and Don’ts to Remember When Getting Fired from Your Job No one enjoys being dismissed from their work, fired. Yet how you handle yourself in those first hours and days can say a lot...
10 Transition Decisions You Must Make One Year in Advance When you have a whole year before you get out of the military, feeling lost and confused about what you are supposed to be...
Hegseth and Other Top Trump Officials Just Failed OPSEC Jeff The Atlantic editor-in-chief published a bombshell article detailing how members of the administration had accidentally...
Families at Utah Air Force Base Lose Day Care Center as Pentagon Slashes Personnel Spending Hill Air Force Base in Utah has closed one of its two day care centers, harming quality of life for some service members...
As Pentagon's Top Health Nominee Prepares for Confirmation Hearing, One Senator Has a Lot of Questions Keith Bass, a retired Navy commander who previously led the White House Medical Unit and the CIA's medical service office...
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Military Veterans Are Becoming the Face of Trump's Government Cuts and Democrats' Resistance As congressional lawmakers scramble to respond to President Donald Trump's slashing of the federal government, one group is...