Certification Training: What Are Your Options? Even experienced professionals often need training to prepare for the demanding tests needed to earn information-technology...
Ohio Waives Educator License Fees for Military, Veterans and Spouses Ohio has joined several states to offer an educator license fee exemption for veterans, active-duty service members and their...
IT Jobs Show Promise for Workers with Disabilities Workers with disabilities face a number of challenges in finding work, but the information technology industry holds promise...
Hiring Heroes Act: Making It Easier to Hire Veterans Senate lawmakers have submitted a bill that would make it easier for veterans to gain civil service jobs.
6 High-Paying Engineering Jobs Engineers trained in the most in-demand fields can earn among the highest salaries of all college graduates in the country.
Government Jobs: Top 10 Interview Questions Interviews are tough; government interviews can be tougher. Check out these 10 tricky questions and how to answer them.
Federal Jobs Spotlight: 4 Steps to Understanding the Federal Hiring Process Applying for a federal career in the same fashion that you would apply for a private-sector job is not going to get you very...
Federal Hiring of Veterans Reaches 20-Year High Nearly 29% of federal government hires in fiscal 2011 went to military veterans, marking a 20-year high.
Where (in the US) the Engineering Jobs Are Here's a rough map of where, in the United States, you can find an engineering job in your specialty.
Banned Books, School Walkouts, Child Care Shortages: Military Families Confront Pentagon's Shifting Rules At a public school, the protest might have led to a detention and maybe some revoked after-school privileges. But on a...
Air Force, Navy Warn Troops About Political Speech Amid Trump Administration Changes New memos from the Air Force and the Navy warn troops to watch their political speech online and in person, and even...
The 5 Most Realistic Army Movies, According to an Army Historian It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about...
Jury Acquits Navy Command Master Chief of Sexually Assaulting Teen Girl A six-member jury has acquitted a career Navy man of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old relative during a sleepover at his...
The Still-Living Janitor Who Received a 'Posthumous' Medal of Honor Army Pvt. William Crawford was declared killed in action and was awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, which was presented to...