Russian Ship 'Aggressively' Approached Navy Destroyer in Arabian Sea, Officials Say The Navy ship was forced to sound a collision warning, officials said.
Army Announces 800-Soldier Aviation Unit to Deploy to Afghanistan The U.S. Army has announced an 800-soldier aviation unit will deploy later this summer to Afghanistan.
Army Aviation Brigade Deploys to Afghanistan Minus Mechanics An Army aviation brigade took its helos to Afghanistan but left behind the mechanics because of the troop-strength ceiling.
Navy Carrier Tech Could Help Army Helos Land in Brownouts This Navy system could help the Army tackle tough landing conditions.
Army Pulling Helos from National Guard The U.S. Army plans to retire 798 aircraft and transfer AH-64 Apaches from the Guard to active duty units.
'Sky Soldiers' Conduct Aerial Resupply in Latvia Paratroopers from the 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) planned and executed an aerial resupply mission at Adazi...
Course to Train Pilots with Unmanned Aerial System Operators A new course at Fort Rucker, Alabama, will pair up Air Cavalry leaders with the operators of unmanned aerial systems.
Army Wants More Adaptive HH-60 Medical Evacuation Systems The Army wants to upgrade the back of its HH-60 Black Hawk medevac helicopters to allow its medical crews to tailor the...
Bell Touts Future Army Helicopter Design: 'V-280 Is Not a V-22' A top official from Bell Helicopter said today that U.S. Army's future V-280 tiltrotor helicopter will be far different than...
Beards, Body Fat in the Crosshairs as Hegseth Orders Military-Wide Standards Review Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered a sweeping, military-wide review of physical fitness and grooming standards with...
The Worst War Movies Ever Made, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the worst war movies ever made, according to readers.
There's a New War Game for 'Nerds with a Drive for Violence.' It's Spreading Across the Marine Corps. In the war game "Down Range," Marine units can check out "kits" with dice, rules sheets and 3D-printed pieces that resemble...
Pentagon to Unveil Cuts Alongside Fiscal 2026 Budget Request The letter, addressed to House Armed Services Chair Mike D. Rogers, R- Ala., and dated March 5, states that Congress will be...
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...