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Military & VA Forms

Airmen signing military forms
Airmen sign paperwork at Kirkland Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force/Austin J. Prisbrey)

Accessing military and veteran benefits requires filling out the correct military forms. The following index of official military forms from the DoD, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Department of Veterans Affairs will help you access your earned benefits.

One of the most important documents you need is the DoD form known as the DD-214. Nearly every Department of Veterans Affairs benefit claim and most state veterans benefit applications require vets to submit this military form. 

DD-214 Replacement and Military Service Records

Loss of this all-important form is not the end of the world. Most veterans and their next-of-kin can get free copies of their DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty - through the eVetRecs website or by mailing or faxing a completed Standard Form SF-180 to the National Archives.

Military DoD Forms and VA Forms

Department of Defense Military Forms

Department of Homeland Security Military Forms

Coast Guard Electronic Forms Library Contains all Coast Guard forms. Requires download in PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader.

Department of Veteran Affairs - VA Forms

VA Forms Library searchable database features all available Department of Veteran Affairs forms. Download materials in PDF. Important forms include VA disability claims forms, Post-9/11 GI Bill Eligibility forms and VA healthcare forms

You can also find information on the VA Home Loan Certification Application and request your certificate of eligibility. The Veterans Administration uses the VA Form 26-1880 to determine your eligibility for participation in the VA Home Loan Program. can help you get the process started by providing you with the proper form and helping you complete the paperwork.

Once you have submitted your VA Form 26-1880, can help you take the next step -- finding a VA approved lender.  

Our VA loan finder can match you with up to five rate quotes from different lenders.

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Records and Forms Benefits