Your work history is sterling, your education is enviable, your skill set is broad and your references are solid.
Still, it doesn't hurt to dress up that resume a little bit. In fact, accessorizing your resume can help you stand out among other candidates, because it adds that personal touch -- an important quality for health-care professionals to demonstrate.
Let's say a patient sends you a handwritten note thanking you for going above and beyond the call of duty to make sure he was well cared for. Don't file it away in your drawer of keepsakes; use it to jazz up your resume.
The same goes for other hard-copy documentation you may have to support your expertise in the field. Mentioning a supervisor's letter of congratulations for coming through in an emergency situation, a reference letter from an industry leader or a certificate of achievement can take your resume to the top of the recruiter's stack and help you get an interview.
Roll Out the Kudos
You can feature that praise and other third-party kudos in your Monster resume. The perfect place to include such resume accessories is in the Honors and Awards section, which you can add to your Monster resume. This flexible feature allows you to add any comments or other information you would like to include in your resume.
Here are a few examples of the types of comments you could include in that field:
- "During my stay at Park Memorial Hospital, you made sure I was comfortable. This meant so much to me, and I wanted to send you a personal thank you for your efforts." -- quote from letter by Mrs. J. Miller, a patient at Park Memorial Hospital
- "Congratulations on your promotion to ward supervisor. Your dedication to quality health care makes us proud, and we wish you the best in your new position." -- quote from letter by Brenda Johnson, head nurse at Park Memorial Hospital
- February 2008: Nursing Exemplar Award. Honored by Park Memorial Hospital for demonstrating confidence, commitment and compassion to the nursing profession.
- December 2005: Published "Dynamics of Post-Operative Care" article in Nursing Journal.
If you are an active health-care professional making a difference in the lives of others, then why not let those efforts shine -- on your resume? The Monster Resume Builder is designed to help you highlight your full range of experience and accomplishments -- plus the positive effects you're having on patients, coworkers and others -- so you can stand out in the health-care marketplace.
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