Being on Facebook at work used to get people in trouble with their boss. Now, it might get them promoted -- or better yet, their own business.
After noticing that nearly a million of its users actively participate in 2,000 or more military-related Facebook groups, the social network has become a part of the military community.
In a partnership with SCORE, a nonprofit network of expert business owners who help other business owners get their feet wet in the business world or expand their existing businesses, Facebook has created an online portal for the military-veteran community as part of its Boost with Facebook program.
Boost provides small-business owners and entrepreneurs around the world with tools and training intended to help their businesses grow and thrive. The social networking giant has created a special hub just for the military-veteran community.

The new skills training hub has tools to help veterans find jobs and grow their skill sets in their current jobs, but its real aim is to help veterans start their own enterprise.
As with the regular Boost with Facebook portal, veteran entrepreneurs can take training classes and tap into the knowledge of their fellow "vetrepreneurs." What Boost brings that is unique for veterans is the backing of SCORE-affiliated business experts, many of whom are veterans themselves. SCORE also brings access to entire webinar series, libraries of resources and live events, including Facebook-backed Boost events.
Boost with Facebook will also provide news and tips for veterans, as well as scam warnings and -- most importantly -- a military skills translator to give veterans insight on how their military experience can be conveyed to civilian employers. So even if you aren’t an entrepreneur just yet, Boost is worth a look. Whether you’re a business owner looking to hire vets or a veteran looking to get that promotion, there’s likely something here for you.
The new hub will also tell the success stories of veteran entrepreneurs who came before, highlighting the lessons learned, common stumbling blocks and the various ways a veteran-owned business can bring communities together.
SCORE's entrepreneurial mentors include leaders from the areas of finance, real estate, strategic planning and even startup acceleration. The organization is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration and has helped more than 33,000 small businesses since 2018.
To get started with Boost with Facebook' military-veteran hub, just visit the Boost with Facebook site. You can learn more about Facebook and SCORE, see what the groups have to offer and register for their services.
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