Which Loans Are OK, and Which Are Bad or Downright Crazy? Is going into debt necessary at times? Yes. Potentially helpful? Yes. Good? Not so much. Even so, some types of debt are...
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy a Home A mistake in buying a home can jeopardize your financial flexibility and health, and the stakes continue to grow. Ask...
Veterans and Johns Hopkins University Are Taking on the Affordable Housing Crisis Rehab Warriors is now teaming with Johns Hopkins University's Carey Business School to create a new course focused on...
7 Date Night Deals for Military Couples Military couples spend a lot of time apart. So one of the things we treasure is a good old-fashioned date night.
Why You Should Always Get a Reliable Home Inspection It’s impossible to put a price tag on the benefits of a home inspection. Here are four benefits to keep in mind if you are...
Should You Pay Down Your Mortgage Principal? Even if you don't have a large amount of money to pay, it can be a good thing to pay off your loan with just a little extra...
VA Home Loan Streamline Refinance FAQ Here are answers to some common questions about VA refinance loans, as well as short sales.
Deploying the IRRRL Sometimes the VA loan can be tweaked just a bit when interest rates fall lower than what you currently have.
Your Guide to Transforming Your House with Modern Insulation Updates Wherever you live, this guide will help you find the right insulation to keep your home comfortable year-round.
7 Do's and Don'ts for Your Holiday Home Sale Selling your home during the holidays is not the ideal time. If you must do it, here are some surefire tips to make it faster...
The Army Needs Hundreds of Officers to Leave Combat Arms Lieutenants currently branched in armor, infantry, combat engineer and field artillery can apply between Jan. 7 and Feb. 17...
For Soldiers at Fort Carson, Food Is Scarce As Americans gather for Thanksgiving feasts, soldiers at Fort Carson, Colorado, are contending with a far less festive...
Marine Corps Brings in Civilians to Tackle Barracks Management, Repairs in Decades-Old Housing The Marine Corps is expanding its plan to put civilians in its barracks manager program, a move intended to improve decades...
Air Force's New Deployment Model Sparks Criticism, Staffing Concerns at Bases Some Air Force officials are concerned by the service's innovative deployment model, a new government watchdog report...
Family of Airman Killed in Japan Osprey Crash Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Scrutiny of the military's Osprey aircraft is ramping up as family members of an Air Force special operations airman who was...