6 Do's and Don'ts of Improving Your Credit Score If you make the right moves, you should be able to make a positive impact on your credit score, no matter how or where it's...
Frightening Finances 2023: Job Hunting, Credit-Card Balances and More It's time for another of my annual forays into frightening figures from the world of personal finances.
What Financing Option Is Best for Your Home Improvement Project? Improving your home can be overwhelming and expensive, but there are several ways to make it easier and more affordable.
3 Low-Key Strategies to Get a Grip on Your Money In addition to using a spending plan, here are a few low-stress ways to be more intentional about your spending.
5 Financial Tasks for Your Back-to-School List It still makes me smile when my kids talk about the various savings accounts they have set up for their specific savings...
How to Minimize the Financial Harm of a Divorce Back when I was working with clients, I saw firsthand the financial wreckage that can be a byproduct of divorce. Here are...
Start the Habit of 'Specific Savings' by Putting Aside Money for Car Maintenance A specific savings account for car maintenance is a big step toward financial security.
5 Facts to Keep in Mind When Planning for Your Kids' College As the country grapples with solutions to address the student-loan crisis, it's also a reminder of the importance of planning...
How Much Life Insurance Do Military Families Need? 5 Questions Answered Here are answers to several of the most common questions I have received about life insurance from military members over the...
Why Now Is (Really) the Time to Apply for VA Benefits When I retired from the Army Reserve, the last thing on my mind was applying for VA health care and benefits. As a financial...
DD214: What You Need to Know Your military discharge papers are officially known as DD Form 214, or just DD214. Here's what you need to know.
The Best Pocket Knives Whether you’re looking for your first pocket knife or just want something different to change up your everyday carry, here...
54 Job Types Down to 10? Air Force's Top Enlisted Leader Looks to Merge Maintenance Specialties Chief Master Sgt. David Flosi wants airmen to be able to take on more tasks and is pushing an initiative to reduce the number...
The Best Korean War Movies, According to Service Members and Veterans These are the best Korean War movies of the past seven decades, according to a Military.com survey of U.S. service members...
Collapse of Cyber Firm Founded by Former NSA Chief Leaves Bitter Wake Last September the never-profitable company announced it was shutting down and firing its employees after running out of...