Don't Let Your Security Clearance Expire An active security clearance is a commodity that must be actively maintained and managed.
Avoiding Social Engineering Attacks "Social engineering" is hacker-speak for conning legitimate computer users into providing useful information.
Be Aware: How Spies Are Caught Those who commit espionage must fear arrest for the rest of their life, as the statute of limitations does not apply to...
Checking Contracts for Clearance Requirements If you're looking for work that may require a security clearance, make sure you study the fine print.
Clearance Holders: Avoid Foreign Recruiting It is important for Americans who have contact with foreign nationals to understand how they spot, assess and recruit agents.
Clearance Holders: Gifts from Outside Sources Executive branch employees are subject to restrictions on the gifts that they may accept from sources outside the government.
Questions to Ask if You Get Fired – and Who to Ask Before you jump on the online job boards and start flooding the market with your resume, here are some questions to ask and...
Clearance Holders' Reporting Responsibilities If you are entrusted with classified material, you are expected to report potential security concerns about a co-worker.
Clearances and Appropriate Use of Computer Systems Misuse of an automated information system is sometimes illegal, often unethical, and always reflects poor judgment or lack of...
Clearance Self-Reporting: General Requirements Security clearance holders must keep their security office informed about anything that might impact their security...
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...
Fired Veterans and VA Employees Would Be Reinstated to Federal Jobs Under Senate Proposal Department of Veterans Affairs employees and veterans fired from other agencies as part of the Trump administration's...
The Medal of Honor Fraud Case that Took Stolen Valor to the Extreme H.L.I. Lordship Industries of Long Island, New York, admitted to selling unauthorized versions of the Medal of Honor, the...
Hegseth Ban on Travel Forces Closures, Reduced Hours at Military Entrance Exam Sites Locations set up across the country to give military entrance exams to potential recruits have been forced to close or reduce...
Route Used by Army Black Hawk During Deadly Collision Was Far Too Risky, Safety Officials Say Federal crash investigators have said a helicopter route used by an Army Black Hawk for training when it crashed midair with...