Army Considering Pass/Fail Option on ACFT for Sergeant Promotions The Army may do away with making sergeant promotions dependent on high Army Combat Fitness Test scores.
General: Army's JROTC Needs Tech Programs, Diversity The Army must invest in STEM education and interactive learning for its JROTC programs to succeed.
After Almost 5 Years, Army's 101st Airborne Will Return to Full Air Assault Power U.S. Army aviation officials have launched an effort to restore full air assault capability to the 101st Airborne Division.
Excessive PT Will Cost the Army Millions of Lost Work Days This Year The knee injuries, back problems and other woes far outpace any other reasons for lost duty.
The Army's Vision for Futuristic Virtual Reality Training May Be in Budget Jeopardy Will lawmakers put the Army's new virtual reality training program in their crosshairs as they debate budget cuts?
Kamikaze Drones Could Deploy to Protect Patriot Missile Defense Batteries The Army is looking to integrate counter-drone capabilities into existing Patriot systems.
Army 3-Star: Soldiers Won't Be Fighting in Space Anytime Soon Soldiers aren't likely to don space suits and blast off into space to fight an enemy, the head of Army Space Command said.
First 11 Soldiers Get Army's Newest Skill Badge The U.S. Army recently recognized 11 soldiers for helping create the Expert Soldier Badge, or ESB, test program.
Air Force Getting Ready to Deploy a Drone-Killing Laser and Phaser The Air Force is preparing to send vehicle-borne laser drone-killers overseas in just a few months.
Soldiers Will Once Again Get Pre-Move Cash, Army Chief Says Dislocation Allowance, or DLA, is a cash payment of about $1,000 to $4,000, based on rank and dependents.
Navy Drops Disciplinary Efforts Against 2 Navy Officers After Death of SEAL Candidate Kyle Mullen Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman decided to stop the boards of inquiry for Capt. Brad Geary, the commander of the Navy SEAL training...
Army Veteran Sentenced to Death for Killing 5 Women at a Florida Bank Zephen Xaver appeared to gulp but otherwise showed no emotion as Circuit Judge Angela Cowden pronounced the sentence at the...
More than Half of Senior Army Officers Are Turning Down Command Consideration More than half of the Army's senior officers are turning down opportunities to command, choosing instead the stability of...
Army Set to Debut Master Combat Badges in Spring, Memo Says The Army is set to begin awarding Master Combat Badges, which will combine expert and traditional combat badges, next spring...
Pentagon Officials, Aviation Experts Say Many Alleged Drone Sightings Are Being Misidentified The sightings in New Jersey and elsewhere, which so far remained unconfirmed, have triggered widespread concern and demands...